Elijah Omagor


I undertook the INT Oakseed Executive Training in 2013 and it has had a tremendous impact on my life. The course opened the eyes of my understanding to see life in a fresh perspective from what I had always known. Previously, my life was all about pursuing my career ambitions and building a successful life in which my family and I would live in comfort and enjoy the comforts that money brings. And at that point in my life, all was going according to plan and I seemed on course to achieve my career ambitions with the attendant perks. However, all this was to be turned on its head when the Oakseed training opened my eyes to the truth and reality that my life has a much bigger purpose than just making money and living in comfort. The course challenged me to push my horizons beyond just living for myself, but also making my contribution to making society better while fulfilling the bigger purposes for which God created me. When I embraced this reality, I have seen better progress in my life and meaning in my work. My life is still fairly comfortable and rewarding. But much more important, I have learnt to live and work for a much bigger purpose that makes my life count. I recommend the Oakseed Executive Training Program to anyone who is minded to live a fruitful life and leave a legacy.